Ahad, 27 April 2014

Bertikam lidah

bagi aku, suami isteri yang normal akan ada masanya tak bersefahaman dan bertikam lidah.
bertengkar sikit-sikit tu biasalah pada aku.
bukannya bertengkar sampai rasa nak bagi penumbuk.hihi
tapi lebih kepada bertengkar untuk argue dan berbincang.
it's more like debating to me.
both sides ada different point of view.
in order to be accepted, one need to clarity its view.

like for us, me-being the pig-headed,
i always wanted my views to be accepted.
and i forget the fact that my spouse is a human with feelings-

i strongly feel that one have to calm down, take a deep breath,
and open ur heart.
accept all the differences u had.
despite of all differences, find a point of similarities.
things u both enjoy together.

for us,
watching tv can simply gives us pleasure.
it's the simple things that makes my heart melt.
nor make me mad.

a healthy relationship should be balanced-
with some amount of disagreement that makes us understand each other.

but too much of something is never good-never.
too much of fights and disagreement is a proof of having unresolved matters.

i just miss the moments of happiness we shared.
hope my husband will be back soon.

dear malacca, do take care of my husband.
im no longer by his side.

im having a bad time since im feeling lonely.
teman bergaduh gi kursus 3 hari,
seakan suram hidup aku.

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