Selasa, 7 Januari 2014

random rambling

Aku start kerja sebagai tenaga pengajar Unitar since 23rd Dec 2013. Kolej tempat aku kerja di Pahang ni buat twinning program dengan Unitar Almost 3 weeks dah aku kat sini. Ape yang aku perhatikan, kat kolej tempat aku belajar ni, memang ambience dia jauh berbeza dengan UPM tempat aku belajar. Pernah aku suarakan dengan suami, perihal tenanga kerja kolej yang aku sifatkn berbeza dengan lecturer tempat aku belajar. Suami kata, be realistic. U cant compare a public university and a private university which is money oriented. U know what I mean.

Frankly speaking, i pity the students so much. They were not briefed about the fees and cost of the studies. Could you imagine, a PTPTN loan of 20k solely for the fees? How much left for the daily expenses? NIL. Tu belom lagi cerita pasal dah hujung semester baru ada lecturer English (Im talking bout myself I tried so hard to make their loan amount worth it. I printed every single note i found in the internet. I wanted the students to excel so that they get the knowledge and obtain great pointer so that they dont have to pay their loan. I have been there, bearing the loan.

tapi ade la jugak bagi moral support. Bagi semangat kat diorang. Hope they will succeed. Sekarang aku dah faham ape cikgu and lecturer aku rasa dulu. macam mana risaunya aku malam sebelom exam tu, macam aku sendiri pulak nak exam!

Aku harap aku boleh survive. Next class will be on 3rd Feb. Almost 1 month lagi.haha. melangut jela aku ni.

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