jz comin back fr Sogo...again..mkcik JAJA yg ajak...n i knew i jz cnt say NO to such dat pelawaan lah..we were so bz shopin mcm org ilang akal..n for da 1st tyme ever, we forgot to capture pics..
1 thing 4 sure, JAJA wud be so epi kowt today..cz ade sorg pkcik polis ckp die mantap..haha..mlm nh kompom skype ngn lokman n pkai sexy2..
gtg to clqz TITAS lah kjap lg..im so bored n being bored by attending class TITAS..luckily me n JAJA, both of us r eyeing da same guy in class TITAS..he's da only human in clas TITAS who is very ensem n keep our eyes opened..haha..named AIMAN..hehe...sory aiman, i hav to mention ur name, i cnt help it..hehe..i wonder lah, y Dr Lukman never get mad..everyone tersgtlah bising,especially chinese..huh sort of rubbish..im not tryin to b heard like a racist, but dats da fact.. im not dreamin of being a lecturer..im so scared i'll get students yg siot cm JAJA..hehe..gotta strive hard..TOGETHER WE SRIVE HARD FOR INFINITE EXCELLENCE..dat was TGB'S motto...wuarghh..i do really miss TGB..miss my x-clzmets, x- rumets,teachers,n my x-...hehehee..miss u guys a lot.. i hav to really strive hard cz i did very bad in Spanish exm yesterday..huhu..im so worried..but for now, i shud let myself hav some rest lah..penat kowt..hehe..sorry aiman, two beauties are not going to clas..hehe..sort of perasan giler..~
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