Jumaat, 5 Oktober 2012


Kalau hari-hari datang kerja dengan perasaan benci, sure aku boleh dapat high blood pressure. Ni baru sebulan aku kerja, dah macam-macam rasa kurang selesa aku dapat. Dengan boss ok, tapi supervisor plak melebih. Aku jadi kerani ni pun, part time je. Sementara nak tunggu SPA ni panggil. Kang aku langgar kontrak kang merasa lah aku sedekah 120k lebih kurang kat government. oh no no no. Big NO for that. I wont allow such that thing to happen.

Ok back to the bussiness, supervisor ni buat aku sakit hati je hari-hari. Kerja dia, suruh aku yang buat. Kalau aku tak kerja, pandai pulak dia buat sendiri. Malas betol la. Dah tak pandai pakai komputer, perangai biar la senonoh sikit. Ni lah padahnya kalau kerja bawah orang yang takde pelajaran, takde pengalaman. Semua buat kerja stail kampung. Stail mak abah dia agaknya. Kerja die just gi mengampu kat rumah boss, then bayar bil elektrik. Pastu kuar mengular. OK good. Aku pon boleh.

Serious aku benci kerja dengan orang yang takde sistem. Buat kerja ikot kepala hotak die je. Surprisingly, bukan aku sorang je. Well i lied. It wasnt a surprise actually. Memang sejak aku masok kerja lagi budak-budak kaunter dah mengumpat Ms Supervisor ni. 

Tak taw cane nak masok kerja sok. Seriously, bila aku dah benci, nak bercakap pon aku malas. Pandang muka dia pon aku stress. Nasib baik esok dah janji nak jumpe Mr Boipren.hewhewhew. 

Tadi aku kirim duet kat die soh masokkan dalam akaun ASB aku.hehehe. Tengok cam cantik la pulak baju Crocodile Hunter die. hehehe. Aku dah paksa dia basuh malam ni, and pakai gi dating sok.hahaha. Keji sikit. Tadi aku tengok die pakai baju tu dalam 2min je. hahaha. Benda kecik macam tu pon takkan tak bulih nak tunaikan ye dok. bukan aku suruh beli penthouse untuk aku pon. eceh penthouse konon. Umah flat pon entah die tak belikan. hahahha. Very the verangan.

Rabu, 3 Oktober 2012

Guess Who.

Ha, sape-sape yang view blog aku daripada Russia baik cepat mengaku angkat tangan! haha. ok tak lawak. blog Mak ni sendu uols, bile check statistics, ada reader from Russia lah, America lah. Tanjat Mak ok. Kalau daripada Malaysia ni tak heran la. Sheila memang sebuk memanjang soh update. Bizibody la katakan.hahhaha.

Yang daripada Ireland, India ni? 
Takkan Amitabh Bachan baca blog aku. hewhewhew. ok tak lawak.

Please Sheila, don't get mad at me.hahhaa

It wasnt my fault anyway. Tried to update, but blame this bloody Celcom broadband. Maybe the usage is beyond the limit, yes no doubt about that. Haku sibuk gi keje, memang bebudak ni YouTube memanjang. Tension Mak Jemah kalau macam ni tiap-tiap bulan.

Last Monday (1st Oct) went to the hospital. met the Dr. Bius. wiuwiuwiu. I am pretty scared. The older you are, the more risky it would be. Doc said this is due to the abundant blood vessels formed in an adult. So the main risk is bleeding. Luckily Dr. Bius said I will be fully bius-ed (don't know the correct term) hahahaha. 

Ok lets move to my wedding preparation.




Ok none!

I have not achieved my goals, none.

Few months left, with no single preparation made, it make me scared to think of it. His family suggested that April will be the lucky month. Lucky lah sangat! hahaa. I tensi jugak ni noks sebenarnye. Kawan2 banyak kat overseas tengah study, aku pulak sebok nak kawen bagai. Ingatkan nak buat time summer break (summer kat overseas lah, ade pulok summer kat Malaysia ni kennn.. memang summer tiap-tiap ari pon summer,sampai aku sunburn).

Sue kat France, Aman and Amin kat Poland and Ireland (aku memang failed nak differentiate budak dua hekor ni, identical twins la katakan), Solid and Syed kat UK, Syaqiir kat Ireland, Nardine kt Indonesia, Mistgunss kat Mesir, Nad pulok berangan nak jadi heroin Tamil  Naddu kat India, and kawan-kawan sekelas lain yang tak berapa rapat sangat, so aku pon lupa dorang belajar kat mane. hehee. Keji la pulok. Dahtu acaner? Ce citer. Bulan April, bukan dorang bulih balik pon.

And.....my ex-boipren yang tengah sebuk bercintun kat Aussie tu, camne dia nak datang ye dok? kikiki. First love memang not easily forgotten kan. Time tu aku naive lagi. Nak merajuk nak mengamuk pon malu-malu lagi. Ce sekarang ni, bila marah cam nak jadi Hulk je. Motif jadi Hulk? senang aku nak belasah dia. hahahhaa.

Ingat harga flight macam harga tiket bas kat Pekeliling? Yang buat Mak tensi ni, si Boipren ni soh haku cakap sendiri kat family dia. Memang saje taknak tolong aku la tuh. Or tak sabar nak kawin ngan Mak ni agaknye. kikikiki. Aku ni kat belakang memang dok pung pang pung pang. Sekali depan mak ayah dia, menikus jugak aku.kikiki.

iols bukan takut, tapi hormat orang tua la katakan...kuikuikui.

Isnin, 3 September 2012


yes you read it right. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for His blessings. Finally we are blessed to tie the knot. Syawal blessing I guess.

we have known each other for 2 years and 2 months, more or less. but i was a coward back then. ok lets save the story of how we met for the next entry since it will be a long one i am certain. 

i kept our relationship hidden. i was so secretive. i was so scared of telling my parents and families about my love life. i was afraid to be laughed at. 2 years passed by.

until 29th August, i let the secret out. everyone was so surprised.hahaa. 

on 31st August (Merdeka Day) together with his parents, he came to my aunt's house for the sesi berkenalan. it went well. His mom was lovely and spoft-spoken. i wonder if i'll  be able to become anything clos, like her.hhaha.kidding. 

pengantinperempuan.blogspot.com has replaced the previous cherrylipstik. blogspot.com.
this is the blog i am supposed to write about my preparation towards big day. in future, if i ever forget anything, hopefully i will refer to this blog. They (the future entries) will be personal, and nothing will i write to impress others.
it has been a long time since i last wrote in my blog. doesn't feel up to it. i simply enjoy the pleasure of reading others' experience and stories.

there have been so many things that happened in my life. i just dont know where to start.hahhaa. padan muka peram lama-lama sangat kan dah tak tau nak cerita yang mana satu.hahaha.serve me rite. ok to be brief, i have finished my degree days. sob sob sob. to be frank, i enjoyed my life as a student so much as i got the opportunities to attend classes (though i skipped classes sometimes especially the morning classes. however, i realized that sem 6 was the best semester i have gone through. i was intrinsically motivated to dress up, fetch the bus, and walked to the class. i realized that i was driven to attend classes for knowledge sake, rather than to maintain 80% attandance. i pictured myself to be the best during my 6th semester. no more laziness to go to class, and i was more punctual than ever! that was my best achievement, personally. )

 one more thing, being the only daughter in the family, i enjoyed the sisterhood moment i had in university. the bond we had was so special i cant afford to lose. we can talk 6hours in a go without realizing what time it is. the last nite in uni, i went to najwa's room. nisa my roommate accompanied me as we lived in separate block. nisa watch Hindustan movie, while najwa and me talked and we giggled alot. life was easier back then in uni. when i was running out of time to go to class, i would ask nisa's help to iron my scarf. Aha, the best thing sisterhood offers is, we always borrow each other's thing.be it anything, from scarfs to baju kurung, to socks, shoes, brooch. I remembered on the day i was meeting Aliph for the first time.My friends helped me to pick up my best dress. they offered theirs too. Aja was my fashion consultant. she would tell me what was best for me to put on.

Now i miss all of them. All. We have gone through a journey of getting our degree together, through thick and thin. The best girlfriend i have ever had, they are.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012


i was browsing the net to find a scholarship. i am kind of interested to further my master right after finishing my degree. hope i wont be disappointed with my final sem's result. i hope i wont be one, especially since my current scholarship wont give me any pennies if i perform terribly. 3.75 at least fasha! mucha suerte bebeh.

anyways, i wont give up my life's plan. not only FB has a timeline, so do my life.

eceh, gediknye.

actually, we plan to finally tie the knot by the end of this Dec. not much time left.oh, in case u wonder who "we" is referred to before, let me mind u, of course it refers to us- me and my current love of my life.
*muntah hijau jauh2*

so much steps towards our big day.

I, FashaCherryLips, being of sound mind and body, solemnly promise to follow these checklist strictly.

the list goes here.
1. stop biting my fingernails when i am bored. *instead of looking ugly, u look stupid fasha. urghh*
2. stop stuffing your stomach  with loads of food stuff. *mind u, a stomach is not a bin*
3. dentist.dentish. why oh why.
4. have some saving.

Khamis, 19 Januari 2012

it has been a long journey.

a title with thousand meanings.

it has been so long since i last blogged. so much things happened- im afraid i cant list all.
i almost forget that i own a blog. i was enjoying reading blogs until i read a blog in which the blogger wrote about her own thought on an issue. and i have written about it months ago.

almost one year since i last blogged. i've tasted pain and sorrow. but i wont be enough for me. from the pain, i gained something.  it triggered my resistance.my antibody towards the threats. i know more is coming in my way.

so much happened in life. me as a student, daughter, lover, and friend.

so much arguments i came across lately.yup with him. i am afraid i cant love him the way i did. i am afraid i had his time wasted for me. and his money too.

can we be all sweet and demure again? cant we?

im sorry u had trouble understanding me. i bet u would never manage to succeed.