Khamis, 16 Mei 2013

Sexy Lingerie

alkisahnye, semalam jalan-jalan teman bebudak ni cari contact lense kat cheras. masing-masing taknak mengalah, nak jugak bijik mata kaler biru hijau kelabu ni. aku layankan jela.tapi tak beli pon. teringin jugak nak pakai.tapi mata pon dah kaler hazel, membazior pulak kalau beli. tapi memang teringin sangat nak beli. tapi memandangkan aku ni pemalas ya amat, terpaksa la pikir puluh-puluh kali.kang tak memasal buta bijik mato den.

pastu jalan-jalan, ternampak satu booth yang jual lingerie. wow we like it.kehkehkeh. tapi harga lebih kurang je kalau beli kt H&M. haha.baik aku beli kat H&M. dah tentu berkualiti. takdela sekali tarik terus rabak. ceh motiff?? sape nak tarik tu??? hahhaaaa.

biasa la bile kite nak kawen ni, ade jela usik-usik daripada kawan-kawan ni. tapi aku pasrah ajelah. apo nak dikato.

tapi nanti nak terjah H&M la boleh la beli satu.kikiki.buat koleksi. Hitam and merah is my favourite.nanti kalau aku beli, nanti aku tunjuk. tapi bkn aku yg pakai la. kang pengsan pulak orang tengok.hahhaa

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Pengantin Diaries

Less that 3 weeks before the solemnization, it can be said that all the preparation are done. except for the which I will settle once I come back home, two days before getting married. hehe.

How to start eh? well, until today, I still could not believe the idea that I am gonna be someones's wife soon. At the age of 23, sort of very early. I never imagined of this to happen. I aimed to settle down at 27 or 28. But it turned out the other way round. Who am I to question Allah's plan. I believe Allah has planned, and he planned the best for me.

Well, I can tell that I am immature, in certain ways. Being a mood swinging kind of person, my fiancee has to deal with my tantrum. Hell no. U cannot imagine how bad could I be. I swear I was a different person when I get mad. Poor him. I promise myself to be nice, to be isteri solehah for him. He has sacrificed a lot for me, so I need to sacrifice for him too.

I am so grateful to have him with me. I am being pampered, being taken care of, and bad thing is, I am not as independent as before. I depend a lot on him coz I know he will always be there for me.

I really hope that this relationship is a bless from Allah, for we could both become more obedient to Him. I wish to have a sakinah family, with charming soleh kids and a responsible husband who will do everything to protect his family.

I am so lucky to have a man willingly loving me, a person with so many imperfections. I wouldnt trade him for the world. I would never. This is my doa.